Okay, I know, I'm a bad blogger. I haven't updated in over two years. Admittedly, nothing super exciting has happened - I'm still in school, I still work at the same job, and I still knit and read all the time. Nothing very exciting happened until a few weeks ago.
Tiny baby Webb at 6 weeks. Can you see him/her? Yeah, I can't really either. |
I'm going to try to write about things that have happened over the last 11 weeks or so of my pregnancy, and some stuff that happened over the last 2 years or so that I haven't blogged about (oops). This entry might be a little long. I'm going to try to attempt to write once a week, and those probably won't be so wordy. :)
I've always had this vague idea that if I ever got pregnant, I would blog once a week starting from the minute I knew. I love looking at those weekly pictures where moms stand next to a chalkboard and write things like "the baby is the size of an avocado and I miss margaritas!" but I'm just not that motivated. I haven't even taken one 'belly' picture yet. I don't really feel like I look very pregnant yet, I sort of look like I ate a pan of potatoes and I can't suck anything in. Someone at work did notice about 2 weeks ago though - she just walked up to me, patted my stomach and asked if there was a baby in there. I asked her how in the world she could tell and she said that the bust on my uniform looked tighter than normal, but then she told me she is 'on the lookout', and likes asking people. She said she had an exchange with someone at her church that went something like this:
Work lady: "So, when are you expecting?"
Lady friend at church: "Expecting WHAT exactly?!"
Aside from my uniform being apparently tight in the bust, all of my clothes still fit. The belt on my jeans has been annoying, but I have been spending most of my summer in dresses anyway. I ordered my maternity uniforms from work this week. Our uniforms usually come in regular sizes (4, 6, 8 etc.) but the maternity uniforms come in S, M or L. Since I wasn't sure which size to order, and the ordering sheet didn't have measurements, I decided to order a M. When I went to pick them up yesterday, I thought they looked big, but when I got home and tried them on they were hilariously large. I'm pretty sure I can fit myself, Ronnie and 2 small children inside of them. Needless to say, I need to go down a size - I hope my bust lasts in my regular uniforms for another week or two.

I have been trying to knit for the baby. Since I don't know if it is a boy or a girl yet, everything has been neutral. I think I have another pair of socks finished somewhere, but I can't find them anywhere. I'm hoping that the baby will have a sock drawer that rivals mine. Do you see the blue/red cardigan in the picture? I knit that with yarn that I spun on my Valentines day present, a spinning wheel! (those are also the treadles poking out on the right of the picture)
My beloved Ashford Joy. Ain't she a beaut? |
The doctor seemed pretty confident that he would be able to tell the sex of the baby at my next appointment, but at the beginning of this month I had some severe lower back pain and my appointments were moved up a week. So, my August appointment was originally set for the 13th, but now I go on the 4th. If we don't find out next month, we will find out in September.
The doctor wasn't entirely sure what was going on with my back. It started kind of randomly, I was sitting on the couch, and when I stood up I felt like I pulled a muscle. I remember audibly saying "Ow, my back" while trying to limp away, but then every muscle in my lower back started twitching and spasming in pain. It was the strangest, most painful thing I have felt. I wanted to lay down in the bed, but any kind of movement shot through me like fire. I thought it was possible that I was having a miscarriage, so I was asking Ronnie to Google search anything and everything trying to calm myself down. Once we determined that no, it wasn't a miscarriage, I was a little more relaxed and could think a little more clearly. It probably spasmed for about 4 or 5 hours, but since I was feeling more calm, it wasn't as bad. That all happened on a Sunday, so I moved my appointment up to that Monday just to reassure myself. The doctor thought maybe it was kidney stones, but the tests for that came back negative. It hasn't happened again, aside from a little twitch here or there, so I guess it is just one of those weird pregnancy things.
The elusive baby Webb, 9 weeks. | |
The ultrasound picture at my second appointment wasn't much better than the first thanks to all the urine tests I had to take at my second appointment. The doctor swears the baby's little head is under where it says HI, but I'm just going to have to take his word for it. I could definitely see the baby jiggling and wiggling around on the monitor but baby Webb doesn't like pictures apparently - hopefully the next one will be better. :) Weird back problem aside, my first trimester hasn't been too bad? Everything smells bad, and I'm tired all the time but I haven't been sick yet which I am really, really thankful for!
Aside from the baby, school has been a huge focus for me. Provided my fall internship goes through by September, I will be graduating with my Bachelor's in December. I actually thought I wouldn't be done until next spring, so this was really exciting news for me. Ronnie got hired at a new job in May, and he is supposed to start training at the end of the year. We're also moving in December. I'm slightly terrified that everything will be happening really quickly in December through February since the baby is due February 13th, but for the most part I'm extremely excited and ready for the change.
I think that is everything for now, I'm going to try to stay on top of once a week entries so I don't have to post a wall of text again.