Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ellen is knitting a scarf

There is one thing I can count on every year - year after year and that's me getting sick any time the weather starts to change.  It was nearly 50 here last week which means I currently have the worst cold I've ever had in my life.  I can't breathe, all of my muscles ache and I'm just no fun to be around.  I'm going to the doctors tomorrow to make sure that it's only a cold but in the mean time guess what I'm doing with all of my sick time? 

What kind of evil professor gives you homework on a weekend?  Turns out, all of my online classes do.  All of my homework is due on Saturdays and Wednesdays but I think my math teacher particularly hates me because he has about 30 to 40 problems due every day on Fridays through Mondays.  Grr!  All I want to do is watch the Misfits and wallow in the fact that I can't get off the couch.  I was quite pleased that today's set of problems had a knitting question though.  :)  If only I could take a math class where every problem was knitting related, I would surely pass it with flying colors.


  1. Get better for our Dinos and Mac&Cheese Date! P.S. The liquid tylenol cold rocks for a cold and I should know I have them every other week, it seems. Usually a bottle of am and pm during it can keep me functional, somewhat.

  2. I can't wait for Dinos and Mac&Cheese! It's going to be 2 of my favorite things!

    I usually take nyquill, but it didn't work for me this time. Musenex was working, but it made me break out in hives. oops. I'll have to pick up some of the tylenol cold for my next sickness.
