Friday, December 31, 2010

Monthly Reading Round Up - December

It's probably pretty fair to say I won't be finishing any books today, so here is this months round up!

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows (Finished December 1st)

The Raucous Royals - Carlyn Beccia (Finished December 7th)

Dawn - V.C. Andrews (Finished December 11th)

The Mischief of the Mistletoe - Lauren Willig (Finished December 14th)

Sweet Little Lies - Lauren Conrad (Finished December 14th)

Matched - Ally Condie (Finished December 16th)

Teacher Man - Frank McCourt (Finished December 19th)

Secrets in the Morning - V.C. Andrews (Finished December 20th)

Napoleon's Privates - Tony Perrottet (Finished December 21st)

The Grimm Legacy - Poly Shulman (Finished December 22nd)

Vixen - Jillian Larkin (Finished December 25th)

At the House of the Magician - Mary Hooper (Finished December 27th)

Tomorrow, When the War Began - John Marsden (Finished December 28th)

The Dead of the Night - John Marsden (Finished December 29th)

Books Finished
: 15.

2010 book total: I ended the year at a very respectable 136!

Favorite This Month: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. I loved everything about this book and found the characters very endearing. I stayed up way later than I should have one night finishing this book and it was very worth being really tired the next day.

Least Favorite This Month: Secrets in the Morning by V.C. Andrews. When I was in Junior High, I gobbled up every book by V.C. Andrews that I could get my hands on. I distinctly remember having a science teacher in 8th grade that made us take notes every day. He would dictate everything that would should write, for example he would say something like "The earth is round PERIOD." The class was so absolutely boring but I remember that I would bring a book and spend the entire hour tearing into it because he never noticed that I wasn't taking notes. When I found out that these books were in ebook form, I was really excited to re-read them. It's funny, because even though I read Dawn well over 10 years ago I still remembered everything that happens in the book. Dawn was a pretty decent story, a little creepy sure but I found myself wanting to read to the last page. Secrets in the Morning was just bad, I can't believe I made myself finish it. I probably will finish up the series next year though. I'm a glutton for punishment.

Other: It would be fair to say that I read 14 books this year, as The Raucous Royals is a picture book but it was such a lovely book that I wanted to include it. I love Beccia's style of art and there are a lot of little fun facts in this book. I do love my trivia, especially anything Tudor. If you're interested in this book, she has a wonderful blog here that has a lot of fascinating history tidbits.

I started 3 books this month that I couldn't bring myself to finish. One was The House at Riverton which I've already posted about, the next was Blackout by Connie Willis. I actually was really enjoying parts of this book, but some of the story lines were just dragging for me. I don't want to give up just yet on this one so I think I might try to find it on audio. The last was My Booky Wook by Russel Brand. I really love Russel, I think he's super funny but I just couldn't get into his writing style. Also, when I got to the part where he talked about how he was uncircumcised I thought there are just somethings I DON'T need to know.

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