Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas Eve!

After I got off work this morning, I spent the rest of the day wrapping gifts and baking for the holidays. I sat around all month feeling smug because I had all of my shopping done early but I was really grumbling at myself today for waiting so long to wrap everything.

All my knitted goodies wrapped and ready to go.

I decided to make some tassels this year in lieu of bows. I dug out some random red acrylic yarn and went to town. I think they look really neat, but they're definitely going to have to be cut off the packages. I don't think there is any other way to do it without making a giant mess.

I also made some buckeyes this year! I used the recipe from eat make read.

Ronnie helped me with the chocolate dipping. He didn't want to use a skewer on them so we used a spoon to ladle them out of the chocolate so the wax paper isn't looking so pretty in these pictures. I used ghirardelli dark chocolate chips for the coating. I'm usually a huge fan of dark chocolate but these chips taste a little bitter to me.

I forgot to add the salt when I was making these, I'm not sure if it made a huge difference because they still taste delicious. Ronnie has already eaten about 20 of them. :)

I'm going to pack up a few bags of these to take to friends and family and here is my first experiment. More yarn.

I made some brownies too, but they were from the box and don't look very special so I won't bore people with a picture of them. There is just something about the Duncan Hines chewy fudge brownies that bring me to my knees.

We're going to spend our annual evening with the Karnes family tonight so I'll be sure to take a picture of Sarah with the Ishbel I made for her. After that were going to midnight mass with my mom and Auntie Kay so we can see my great aunt sing in the choir. I haven't been to church in years so if I never post again everyone can rest assured that I spontaneously caught on fire upon entering the doors.

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